Mingyur Rinpoche & Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s Journey to Nubri
A new video chronicles Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s recent hike to Nubri, his home village in Nepal, accompanied by his brother Mingyur Rinpoche.
25 April 2023
Dates Announced for Rinpoche’s 2023 UK Retreat
We are excited to announce the UK live annual retreat – our first in four years!
23 March 2023
Rinpoche’s latest book now available
Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s new book – a collaboration with best-selling author Daniel Goleman and translator Adam Kane – has now been published.
16 March 2023
The New Yeshe Rangsal Teaching Tent In Crestone
Here are some photos of the newly completed Yeshe Rangsal Teaching Tent, consecrated by Rinpoche on September 7, 2022. The new tent creates a permanent structure for Rinpoche’s dharma seat in the west, located in Crestone, Colorado.
3 February 2023
Tsoknyi Rinpoche visits his home village in Nepal
Great video of Rinpoche and family visiting his old home in the mountains of northern Nepal.
3 January 2023