Giving through action

Volunteering is another way to support the activities of Pundarika UK and Tsoknyi Rinpoche. As a charity, we could not survive without the support of committed and dedicated volunteers. Even small amounts of volunteering go a long way to helping us. If you have skills or time some of the areas below, we currently need support with include:
- Assisting with our website management, social media, and newsletters
- Supporting us to expand our on-line activities by helping us co-ordinate and run events such as our online retreats
- Helping us with the many different tasks involved with setting-up, managing and closing our in-person retreats
- Volunteering to teach English to the nuns at the Tsoknyi Gechak School or the Tsoknyi Gechak Ling Shedra. These are residential volunteering position usually requiring a commitment of 4-5 months. For further information, please click here. Tsoknyi Gechak School Volunteering