Vision, Mission, and Values

Inspired by the Pundarika lotus, a symbol of immaculate wisdom and compassion, Pundarika UK envisions a world where the profound wisdom and compassionate teachings of the Dharma are accessible to all, fostering inner peace, and empowering individuals to face life’s challenges with wisdom and compassion. Through our unwavering commitment to supporting Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s teachings and humanitarian projects, we aim to preserve and enrich the living traditions of the Drukpa Kagyu and Dzogchen lineages, nurturing a global community of awakened hearts and transformed lives.

Pundarika UK’s primary mission is to support the teaching activities and humanitarian work of Tsoknyi Rinpoche by:
- Keeping alive the wisdom of the Dharma by providing access to authentic teachings embedded in genuine Buddhist lineages
- Sustaining practitioners who preserve the teachings of the Buddha as a vital tradition particularly relating to the Drukpa Kagyu and Dzogchen traditions
- Helping people experience inner peace to better face the challenges of modern life with compassion and wisdom
- Actively support Tsoknyi Rinpoche’s monastic and educational projects in Tibet and Nepal

Pundarika UK is committed to an open and welcoming community of students and teachers that includes and encourages the participation of people of all ethnicities, cultures, sexual orientations, gender identities, classes, religions, abilities, and ages.